I’m Othmane Kahtal. I live in Casablanca where I React.
The story starts with C when we thought to make a basic robot using Arduino UNO with my professor in Physics,when I was studying in the first year of high school, The Project was not completed but my career was decided.
The only thing I loved more than computers is Books📚, I read a little bit of it about 30 books, I still do that in my free time.
Two things will make you wiser: the books you read and the people you meet
Ahmad Al Shugairi
In 2020, I become part of YouCode, I've gained a lot of experience from youcode school internships and projects,also Helped me a lot to strengthen my skills, I've worked with a lot of frameworks like Vue, React, Flutter, Express, Laravel, etc.
Starting my career journey at Geerd.ma following my experience at Youcode, I play a pivotal role in crafting cutting-edge EdTech Tools. Working extensively with React, Apollo, Hasura, nodejs, TypeScript, and various React ecosystem tools has significantly contributed to my professional growth.
Currently, I made impactful contributions at TransPerfect as a Frontend Developer. Collaborating cross-functionally, I transformed design concepts into responsive React.js applications with TypeScript.